Coldwell Banker Realty - Westford
Coldwell Banker Realty - Westford
Steve Smith, Coldwell Banker Realty - Westford Phone: (978) 808-5284
Email: [email protected]

Tag: Home Improvement

Posted on 03/03/2025
Fencing basics: Choosing the right fencing materials for your property
Property owners install fences for a wide range of reasons, including privacy, aesthetic enhancement and designating a secure space for loved one to enjoy. Choosing the right fence to achieve the desired effect requires some due diligence, however . By understanding a few basics about fencing materials and how they play into your goals, homeowners can choose their...
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Posted on 12/16/2024
How to Choose the Best Grout Color
If your next remodel involves adding tile, you’ll need to choose grout to go with it. While it might seem like an insignificant detail, grout color can make an enormous difference in the look and overall style of the space. Some grout and tile combinations have become popular trends in the last few years. However, it’s important to...
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Posted on 04/24/2023
3 DIY Home improvements to consider on a budget
Home improvements and upgrades sometimes take a backseat when finances are involved. However, there are alternatives. The good news is DIY property owners do not necessarily need to possess professional-level carpentry skills to make meaningful upgrades. With a little DIY elbow grease, handy property owners can implement cost-effective home improvements. 1: Restore an aging wooden staircase Although kitchens...
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Posted on 10/17/2022
Fix-and-Flip With No Experience Necessary
Is it possible to flip houses for profit with no experience? Luckily, this is one area of real estate investment that is viable even for beginners. Here is a simple beginner's guide to house flipping to get you started: Step 1: Find a Cash Source Flipping a house requires more cash up front than with a traditional home...
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Posted on 06/27/2022
Home insulation options that don't require wall demolition
One primary reason everyday people bear with drafty homes stems from construction costs. Old houses and those with failing exterior wall insulation seem to require costly demolition. The idea that drywall or select wood wall materials require removal and replacement often causes property owners to take a deep breath and think about something else. The good news is...
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Posted on 06/20/2022
Ideas for Building a Fireplace Mantel
A fireplace mantel can enhance the appearance of your living room or den while also giving you a place to decorate and display items. While some fireplaces come with mantels, others don’t have one. If your fireplace doesn’t have a mantel, you’re not out of luck. With a few tools and materials, you can build your own fireplace...
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Posted on 05/23/2022
Try These Decor Ideas for Easy Mid-Century Modern Flair
Some styles never lose their appeal. For mid-century modern design, this is especially true in home decor. The nostalgic but timeless shapes and styles from the 1950s are just as popular as ever. If you’re interested in adding some mid-century modern decor to your home, here are some simple ways to get started: Go for Wood Natural wood...
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Posted on 03/07/2022
Quick Tips for Your DIY Fencing
Photo by Pixabay via Pexels A fence can really transform the look and feel of your home. From providing privacy to adding a unique element to your yard, these structures can bring many advantages. But if you want to build one of these for the first time, you may have a lot of questions before getting started. Understand...
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Posted on 01/24/2022
Choosing a Contractor: How to Find the Perfect Fit
Finding the perfect contractor might seem like a daunting task. With so much information available and so many choices to compare, the process can be long and tedious. However, there are some ways to make the process simpler while keeping your best interests in mind. Here are some tips for how to find a contractor: Personal Recommendations Start...
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Posted on 01/10/2022
Backyard: Tips for Building a Screened-In Porch
When rain, bugs and other issues have you avoiding your open porch, a screened-in porch might be the answer. Screened-in porches offer shelter from the elements and stop bugs from getting in. These porches can also make it safer for pets to sit outside with you, since they can’t run off. If you’re planning to turn an existing...
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